To combat the rising cancer epidemic in India, Federal Bank and News18 Network convened a national convention as part of the ‘Sanjeevani: United Against Cancer’ initiative. The event, supported by Tata Trusts, aimed to enhance awareness around cancer screenings and early detection, aligning with the campaign’s mantra, “#TimeNikaaleinScreenKarein.”
With nearly 15 lakh cancer cases reported annually in India, the convention brought together industry leaders, healthcare professionals, and bureaucrats to emphasize the urgency of early screening. Bollywood actress Vidya Balan, the initiative’s National Ambassador, highlighted the importance of regular screenings, stating, “The fear around cancer can blind us to the reality that early detection can make all the difference.” KVS Manian, CEO of Federal Bank, stressed the need for sustainable healthcare investments, asserting that awareness is vital in battling cancer. “Our campaign is not just a movement; it’s a collective effort to empower individuals to take charge of their health,” he said.
Aizawl is seeing a growing demand for healthcare awareness as citizens recognize the importance of early cancer screenings. Local health officials are collaborating with community leaders to promote the initiative, reflecting a broader commitment to improving public health outcomes across the region. As the ‘Sanjeevani’ initiative has already reached over 600 million viewers, it aims to further expand its impact through ongoing campaigns and community engagement, fostering a healthier future for all.
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