Rama Steel Tubes said it has recorded sales of 51,669.01 tonnes in Q3 FY2025, up 10.12% as against sales of 46,919.802 tonnes in Q3 FY2024.
The company has recorded sales of 139,956.23 tonnes in Q9 FY2025 as against sales of 131,137.81 tonnes in Q9 FY2024, up 6.72% as against sales of 131,137.81 tonnes in Q9 FY2025.
Rama Steel Tubes is engaged in the business of manufacturing steel pipes and related products.
The company reported a 34.6% decline in consolidated net profit at Rs 4.05 crore in Q2 FY25 as against Rs 6.19 crore in Q2 FY24. Net sales grew 29.4% year-on-year to Rs 263.05 crore during the quarter ended September 30, 2024.
The stock is currently trading at Rs 12.29, down 0.57% on BSE.
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