Special Court grants bail to 2 AIR employees

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Two officials of All India Radio, Aizawl station – Lalnunziri and Judy H. Lalmuanpuii, convicted and sentence to 2-years imprisonment and fine of Rs 6 lakh each, were allowed to be released on bail by the Special Court (Prevention of Corruption) on Thursday. Lalnunziri, then programme executive and Lalmuanpuii Lower Divisional Clerk (LDC) in 2012 were convicted on corruption cases by the Special Court on last week wednesday and sentence was pronounced on Monday. The cases were investigated by the Central Bureau of Investigations (CBI).

During a hearing on the bail pleas, the special judge HTC Lalrinchhana released them on bail with a bail bond of Rs 1 lakh each till April 3, during the pendency of appeals in the Gauhati High Court as pleaded by their respective counsels. Both the All India Radio Aizawl station employees were convicted under sections 120B read with 409/419/420/467/468/471 Indian Penal Code (IPC) and section 13 (2) read with 13 (1)(c) & (d) of Prevention of Corruption Act, 1988.

The 2 employees under supervision of the then Assistant Director of All India Radio Aizawl Station Zosangzualawere convicted for misappropriated Rs. Rs. 2,60,444/-forengagement of fictitious 20 Casual Production Assistants in the AIR, Aizawl Station and Rs. 6,08,916/-for engagement of 39 fictitious music artistes. The judge concluded that the convicted persons committed criminalconspiracy in committing criminal breach of trust, cheating by personation,cheating and dishonestly inducing delivery of amount, forgery, using as genuine aforged document and criminal misconduct. Another convicted person Zosangzuala has to approach higher court for bail plea as he was sentenced to 4-year imprisonment and a fine of Rs 6 lakh as the Special Court does not have power to grant him bail. EOM

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